May 26Liked by English in Community

I love the sound of the water, the conversational walk between our bare feet and the shore.

I love others’ smiles, and the visual approval before a hi.

I embrace the rest of us, along with all the quirks refused offhand.

The scent of wood, the sense of care.

I also beg for forgiveness after the storm, and kneel for the passion of the song.

I vent screaming at the mirror in solitude, to coddle the flowers afterwards.

And because there’s no god to quench my thirst, I feed on sunlight and banal lies.

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Tob! I am sorry it took me so long to comment on your powerful and poignant writing. I love reading your beautiful English and getting to hear the inspiring thoughts in your mind and heart. Thank you so much for your courage and generosity in sharing here. I hope to keep writing and speaking words that allow us to hear what you have to say. I am grateful for you!

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May 26·edited May 26Liked by English in Community

I am not sure from where it comes

when love comes sweeping down

Some say it is of God and others say

the muse's whispering words we hear profound

But I would say love starts like the smallest water drop

and collects the others, rolling hard to stop

it then with all the others forms the rivers and the seas

and then is carried off as mist and starts again unseen

maybe love then circles, wearing down

the weary grind of hate and war

to melt the hardest hearts

to shed its light once more.

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Alford! I am just seeing this now. Is this your writing?!?! You often share the words of others with me, so that's the only reason I wonder. But I think this is your beautiful work. I hear your voice coming through. Thank you for moving me with your words, and for the beautiful images I now have in my head. Please keep sharing your beautiful writing with us. It is such a blessing. Thank you!

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